Best Compliance Practices for Dental Providers

Dental providers must remain compliant with labor laws, privacy laws, and health and safety laws. Noncompliance can cause a number of headaches for practices and they are easily preventable when there are sound systems in place. Here, we will go through some of the best compliances practices you should consider adopting if...

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Dental Practice Administrative Complaints

Patients may sometimes choose to file a complaint with the dental board should they believe that their dentist failed to adhere to standards of the profession. Regardless of whether there is merit to the complaint, dental board complaints can be both costly and time consuming. When a dental board launches an investigation,...

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Why You Need a Written Lease

Get it in writing. You have likely heard this phrase at some point in time and it should resonate with you in many aspects of running your dental practice. For instance, if you are leasing a space for your practice, you should seriously consider getting a written lease. While verbal, handshake agreements...

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